Embrace Your Inner Brilliance
Energy Work • Remote Clearings • Mindset Coaching

Meet Joy
From Pain to Power: Let Joy Be Your Guide to Empowered Transformation
Joy Baker is a skilled and compassionate individual who specializes in helping others overcome obstacles so that they are equipped to propel themselves forward, enabling them to lead more fulfilled and creative lives. Having embarked on an intense journey of personal growth and delved deep into her own inner world, Joy understands the courage required to confront oneself and embrace greater self-awareness and progress.
Growing up, she endured several years of abuse and bullying which led to her becoming painfully shy and introverted. However, her 25 years of working with horses provided a unique connection that surpassed her interactions with people. Transitioning away from the racetrack, Joy faced the daunting task of overcoming her crippling shyness, embarking on a transformative voyage of self-discovery, and learning to communicate with her own species — humans!
“Courage Is Not the Absence of Fear.
Courage Is Taking Action Despite the Fear.”
Are you ready to unlock the Divine power within you and embrace a life of freedom and fulfillment? Through experiencing three decades of personal development, Joy Baker has discovered the key to living a truly satisfying life: the Courage to confront your past in order to release the limiting beliefs, emotions and patterns holding you back from experiencing an abundant, fulfilling life.
This good news is that it is not necessary to remember everything you’ve gone through. When you experience a High Impact Emotional Event (HIEE) that involves abuse of any kind (mental, emotional, verbal, sexual or physical), that then creates an emotional shock within your nervous system which in turn causes energy to become stuck. Over time, this trauma embeds itself in your cellular and energetic memory, determining how you experience life.
As a child, you likely weren’t taught how to process and let go of the emotions associated with traumatic events. As a result, that energy of shock and trauma remains stagnant and trapped within you. Each time a similar event arises, or you encounter familiar words, you re-experience the trauma. Whether it’s a car accident, a relationship breakup, the loss of a loved one, unemployment, or any form of abuse, the unhealed trauma becomes stored in your body. Once the energy of trauma is stuck within you, you can develop an attachment to those limiting feelings and unconsciously create scenarios in your life that cause those feelings (such as anxiety, fear, shame, guilt, anger, overwhelm) to repeat.

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Let’s Work Together

Remote Energy Scan & Clearing
Convenience at its highest! We (my spiritual guides and I) connect remotely using the picture of yourself that you have sent me. You simply go about your day while we connect and scan your personal energy field (often referred to as the aura or subtle bodies) and chakras. We’re looking for core beliefs, fears and patterns that are keeping you stuck and / or causing complications in some area(s) of your life.

Interactive Sessions by Phone
Would you prefer an interactive phone session with Joy? The advantage of having a phone session is that as any memories or traumas come up, Joy can clear them on the spot. You are free to have us clear and release any issue that you like.
We can clear areas such as money, career, health, relationships, communication, spiritual connection, and more.

Self-Paced Spiritual Programs
Happiness creates the vibration that supports you in experiencing better health and vitality, and increased vitality supports you with having the energy to take action on your dreams and goals. Clearing & activation recordings are designed to eliminate stagnant, blocked energies from other integral areas of life and then to activate the frequencies that will support your ability to live at a higher awareness.
Have You Ever Said to Yourself Any of the Following:
“Why do I keep doing this when I keep getting what I don’t want?”
“I know what the pattern is, but I can’t seem to break out of it.”
“I am so tired of struggling, I’m ready to give up.”
“No matter what I do, nothing seems to change.”
“Why does this keep happening to me?”
“What if my life never improves?”
“This is just the way I am.”
The first step towards self-empowerment is awareness. Once you become aware of the limitations and patterns holding you back, you can begin to release and clear them. Yes, you do have the potential to break free and design the life you truly desire!
Joy offers a safe space as you experience the transformation that comes with releasing what is no longer supporting you. With her compassionate guidance and expertise, she empowers you to navigate your past, face your traumas, and release the energy that keeps you stuck. Joy supports you in rewriting your story to align with your authentic self and to live a fulfilling life. Through a combination of healing techniques, coaching, and personalized strategies, she will support you in breaking free from patterns that no longer serve you. She will guide you in rediscovering your value, self-worth, and personal power. You will gain practical tools that will support you in navigating life’s challenges with confidence, to embrace your true potential, and create a future that resonates with joy and fulfillment.
Are you ready to embark on a courageous journey of self-discovery and transformation? Take the first step today towards living a life of freedom and empowerment. Please visit HERE to schedule the session that best supports you. With Joy as your support Guide, you will unleash your true potential and create a life filled with joy, purpose, and limitless possibilities.

What People are Saying

33 Days of Healing
Would you like to receive thirty (30) minutes of energy healing daily for 33 days?! This 33-day Energy Healing program is packed full of healing and transformational energies! The beauty of receiving healing in this way is that all you need to do is be willing to receive and you are receiving the energy and the healing! You can be anywhere in the world at any time and receive this Divine healing and Blessing. It’s the ultimate Convenience!